The Wheel and Axle

A Salute To Workers

by on May.01, 2017, under Society

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Today is May Day, an ancient spring festival for the Northern Hemisphere that had pagan roots (the Roman Floralia and the Germanic Hexennacht. However, as with many such ancient festivals, it has become both Christianized (with Catholics beginning May-long Marian devotions and celebrations) as well as secularized (with Western countries crowning the May Queen, among others).

It also coincides with Labor Day, or at least Labor Day for most of the world. Labor Day, also known in many countries as International Workers’ Day, is a holiday that gives recognition to the efforts and contributions of the working class; part of the origins of the holiday is how the labor force fought for an eight-hour working day as opposed to the excessive work hours prior. Despite the communist roots of International Workers’ Day, the sentiment is clear: the working class deserves respect, love, and appreciation.

Let’s toast to all the workers out there, in whatever industry! The labor force drives our economy and ultimately all our lives; the labor force deserves a salute from each and every one of us this May Day.

Happy Labor Day!

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