We Fight On
by allancarreon on May.17, 2017, under Queer, Society
It’s IDAHOT once again, that is, the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia. And like I once said, everyday shoud be IDAHOT because our struggle is everyday.
That said, today is a special day to raise further awareness across the globe about the issues and hatred that the LGTB community continues to face. There has been traction in various legislations as well as social acceptance, but we still have a long way to go.
May 17th is a particularly relevant choice for IDAHOT. It was chosen because this was the day – back in 1990 – that homosexuality was removed by the World Health Organization (WHO) from the International Classification of Diseases (ICD).
In other words, it was the day that somehow – even though it should have been a given from the onset – validated that we are not a plague upon humanity.
Of course, stigma still exists. Thus, in 2005, IDAHOT was begun – coincidentally also exactly one year after same-sex marriage was legalized in Massachusetts, the first state of the USA to do so. It’s like the 17th of May is one of the gayest days ever.
Now on its 13th annual event, IDAHOT continues to be a global movement that we in the LGBT community should always keep close to our hearts.
We fight on.