by allancarreon on Jun.25, 2017, under My Life, Queer, Society, Travel & Culture

Yesterday was Metro Manila’s Pride March 2017.
The LGBT community converged in Marikina’s Plaza De Los Alcaldes, where the fabulous organizers of this year’s event had prepared a great pre-march program – which included an appearance by one of our strongest allies, Senator Risa Hontiveros.
Then, underneath the afternoon post-summer heat, we marched and held aloft our pride for who we are and held aloft our resolve to fight for what we believe in: fundamental equal rights for all.
Let the beauty of solidarity, togetherness, and sense of community that we captured through our cameras speak for itself.
This is Us.
This is Pride.

Babaylanes, Inc. and UP Babaylan

With beshie Norlan

Joms and Dan, two of my beshies who recently got engaged (in Israel!). #LoveWins

Celebrating friendship.

True Christians. Oh, and yes, there were others who were false Christians who were heckling the march, but these folks showed them what true Christianity means.

Guess who joined Babaylan and Babaylanes for a bit.

Mga batit ng Jubay.

Drinking Moonleaf’s “Love Equali-tea.”
