The Wheel and Axle

Everyday Should be IDAHOT.

by on Jun.07, 2016, under Queer

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A few weeks ago, the world observed IDAHOT: the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia.

Early last week, a body stuffed into a trash bag wrapped in packing tape was found in Cebu, identified by media only as a “man” – supposedly a robber killed by vigilantes based on a note left behind. The victim was wearing a bra and a blouse.

Mere days later, another trans sister was brutally murdered in Metro Manila. Barbie Ann Reilly was viciously killed by her Chinese boyfriend, stuffed in a luggage, and dumped in Cavite.

How many more Barbie Ann Reillys, Jennifer Laudes, Matthew Shepards, and Sakia Gunns must there be before the world listens?

How many more must endure the fear of death and punishment due to their own countries’ inhumane laws?

And sans any murders, how many more LGBT people of all ages across the globe should even suffer from alienation, discrimination, abuse, bullying, judgment, and hatred in any form?

Despite any progress that the LGBT community may have gained in the last two decades, we must still be vigilant. We must fight for our right not just to be treated equally but for our basic human right to live.

Everyday should be IDAHOT.

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Since June 2016