The Wheel and Axle

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Negros Summer 2017, Day 1: Lakawon Island

by on May.21, 2017, under My Life, Travel & Culture

Lakawon Island in Cadiz City, Negros Occidental is just around 1.5 hours from Bacolod by land (plus a 10-15 minute boat ride). The private island is starting to gain attention because the place is beautful and is fairly accesible. The beach, while not Boracay or Palawan, has some good sand and the waters are fairly clear and lovely.

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Cher Your Blessings

by on May.20, 2017, under Film & TV, Music & Theater, Queer

Guess who’s turning 71 today even though she doesn’t look her age at all? The incomparable Cher, that’s who! The multi-talented icon has had a long and glorious career, and to date she’s still very much active – musically and socially. (You should be following her Twitter account as she’s a riot, especially when criticizing and throwing shade – emoji abuse, and all – at the despicable Trump, among others.)

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Future Filan

by on May.19, 2017, under Music & Theater

Although Nicky Byrne will always be my favorite Westlifer (and probably favorite person), we must concede that Shane Filan was the lead singer for a reason. Yes, Mark Feehily also had a more… divatastic voice, but Shane’s voice was just the right combination of power and restraint and captivating-ness (I know, I know, not a word).

It’s just a shame that post-Westlife, none of them really hit it big as solo artists. There was some mild success here and there, but nowhere near the behemoth of Westlife at their peak. And yes, despite their inability to breach the US market, they were the biggest boy band of their generation (and after). The reality, I guess, is that Westlife lasted so long that by the time they split up fourteen years later, they were much older, and their demographic had moved on.

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Who Is This Woman?

by on May.18, 2017, under Film & TV, Geeky, Queer

“You will soon find out.”

Two weeks to go in the Philippines!

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We Fight On

by on May.17, 2017, under Queer, Society

It’s IDAHOT once again, that is, the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia. And like I once said, everyday shoud be IDAHOT because our struggle is everyday.

That said, today is a special day to raise further awareness across the globe about the issues and hatred that the LGTB community continues to face. There has been traction in various legislations as well as social acceptance, but we still have a long way to go.

May 17th is a particularly relevant choice for IDAHOT. It was chosen because this was the day – back in 1990 – that homosexuality was removed by the World Health Organization (WHO) from the International Classification of Diseases (ICD).

In other words, it was the day that somehow – even though it should have been a given from the onset – validated that we are not a plague upon humanity.

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That’s The Way Janet Goes

by on May.16, 2017, under Music & Theater, Queer

Happy 51st birthday, Janet Jackson! Despite all the challenges of the past decade or so, you remain to be an icon and a living legend. There are so few of you left, so here’s to more decades for you to design!

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Pietroing Palawan Pa More

by on May.15, 2017, under Queer, Travel & Culture

Finally, Pietro posted Part 2 of his Palawan fun. After the thirst-inducing first video in El Nido, now he’s sharing his Coron experience.

Can I experience it with him next time? Pretty please?

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Mama’s Boy

by on May.14, 2017, under My Life, Society

Yes, that’s my beautiful mother when she won her crown.

I’ve always been a Mama’s Boy. Now, as I’m all grown up and adulting, I may not be as clingy as I was when I was a little boy who absolutely could not go anywhere without his Mama.

Still, how could I ever not love the woman who not only gave birth to me but who raised us all as a working mom?

That, and the fact that she won a beauty pageant when she was in high school.

Okay, granted it was a local one.

But as a friend once accurately put it, a crown is still a crown. Haha.

Also, beauconera si mudra. Alam na. Haha.

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Isn’t He Lovely?

by on May.13, 2017, under Music & Theater

Happy 67th birthday, Stevie! You will always be an icon, a legend, a Wonder!

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Toxic Friday

by on May.12, 2017, under Music & Theater, Queer, Travel & Culture

Here’s something to make your Friday… toxic!

This went viral a few weeks back, but it’s still just so much fun. Totally would love to see this live next time I fly AirAsia.

Happy Friday, everyone!

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Since June 2016