The Wheel and Axle

The New Thirty

by on Aug.02, 2017, under My Life

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It’s the big four-oh today, but cliched as it may sound, it does seem that it feels like the new thirty. It’s the age of continuous exploration for me, and it does feel that life just does begin at forty.

I’ve learned in the past couple of years to truly make the most of life. Always.

Never keep life bottled in, or you may live to regret life itself, and who wants that?

As long as it makes you happy and you’re hurting no one, be who you want to be and do what you want to do with your life.

Life is what you make of it.


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Turn it on, Anderson.

by on Aug.01, 2017, under Film & TV, Queer

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Hey, Anderson, babe, it’s been said the Philippines is a Latin American country in Asia.

Call me.

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by on Jul.31, 2017, under Geeky, Literature

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Today is the 52nd birthday of the Goddess of the Potterverse and Queen of Twitter, she who regularly puts the likes of Orange Hitler and Piers Morgan in their proper place with zingers so sharp they’ll bleed until the year 3243.

But of course, J.K. Rowling’s talents go way beyond decimating man-child trolls. She has earned her place in pop culture as well as literature with, who else, Harry Potter and his magical world. She is one awesome and tough lady, deserving of a lot of respectful roars in honorable salute!

Happy birthday, J.K.!

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Sizzling Legend

by on Jul.30, 2017, under Film & TV, Geeky

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Legends of Tomorrow is really shaping up to be a personal fave of mine in the Arrowverse. It’s just plain fun, doesn’t take itself seriously, and they’re not afraid to dig deep into the most obscure recesses of the DC Universe for some truly out there character choices.

I mean, Season 3’s sizzle reel not only has a Titanic in-joke involving Victor Garber. It also has a B’wana Beast easter egg. Well, hopefully, it’s not just an easter egg because he looks hot.

Talk about sizzling.

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65,000 for Queen

by on Jul.29, 2017, under Music & Theater

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Green Day was taking so long, so 65,000 people sang Queen while waiting.

And it’s just magical.

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Go Nuts

by on Jul.28, 2017, under Music & Theater, Travel & Culture

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Here are some international good vibes today for the weekend ahead: American choir boys flying from Kenya on a United Arab Emirates plane and singing a Filipino classic.

Happy weekend, peeps!

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Marston’s Wonder Women

by on Jul.27, 2017, under Film & TV, Geeky, Queer

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I’d previously noted how the creator of Wonder Woman, Dr. William Moulton Marston, was a man ahead of his time with his progressive sexual politics in early/mid 20th century America. He was part of a polyamorous relationship with his wife Elizbeth and another woman, Olive. He had strong opinions about the value of women, S&M/bondage, loving submissiveness, and other radical ideas of the time. All of these informed his creation of Wonder Woman and the stories he wrote for her comic.

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Totes Adorbz.

by on Jul.26, 2017, under Society, Travel & Culture

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Can this couple be any more adorable?

Also, there’s really just something cute (and sexy) when a gorgeous foreigner speaks in Tagalog with a funny accent. I have no idea why. It just… is.

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Death of Humanity

by on Jul.25, 2017, under Film & TV, Geeky, Society

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To echo my mentor Jessica, War for the Planet of the Apes is perhaps one of the most human films of 2017 so far. In contrast to its predecessor – where humans were caught in a power struggle between two factions of apes – this new film in the series showcases apes caught in a conflict between two factions of military men.

Despite the simian nature of its primary protagonists, they are perhaps the most human characters of the entire movie. Conversely, and ironically, it is the human characters who are ultimately devoid of humanity. Like the rest of this film series, the movie is a commentary on human nature and what makes us tick – and what makes these simians who have become humanlike tick.

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Mighty Big Boots To Fill

by on Jul.24, 2017, under Music & Theater, Queer

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From Atlantis’ FB Page

2005’s Kinky Boots is one of my favorite LGBT-themed films ever. Heck, it’s one of my favorite films, period. It’s funny, touching, and uplifting all at once. This was a time before Joel Edgerton ever became Ramses and Chiwetel Ejiofor ever became Baron Mordo. The film itself is something I can watch over and over without getting tired of it.

So obviously, Kinky Boots the Musical has absolutely big shoes (boots?) to fill in my eyes. True, it won Tonys, Oliviers, a Grammy, and more. Plus, hello, Cyndi Lauper and Harvey Fierstein, duh. I have not seen it on Broadway – it’s on my bucket list – but I managed to catch the matinee of the Manila production last Saturday afternoon with my friend AJ.

The verdict?

Big shoes absolutely filled fantastically!

And such a perfect analogy, to boot (heh).

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