Hello, Dolly
by allancarreon on Jul.05, 2017, under Geeky, Society
Did you know that Dolly the Sheep would have been 21 years old today?
Of course, some of you might not even know (or remember) who Dolly was.
Dolly, of course, was the first mammal cloned from an adult somatic cell – the donor cell having come from a mammary gland. Back in 1996, her birth/cloning/creation caused quite the controversy around the ethics of cloning.
All the same, it was a significant scientific breakthrough that led to others: mice, cats, cows, and more. The processs has garnered a lot of interest as a potential means of saving endangered species as well as possibly reviving extinct ones. Hopefully nothing of the Jurassic Park variety because, well, you know, not a pretty picture.
No, Esquire, Manny no longer deserves our respect.
by allancarreon on Jul.04, 2017, under Snark, Society, Travel & Culture

Meme Credits: Change Scamming. Also, he should quit politics, too, and just go away.
A recent article from Esquire Philippines, published the day before the Pacquiao/Horn boxing match, posits that Manny Pacquiao still deserves our respect, at least respect for him as a boxer if not as a politician or whatever new persona he’s decided to pursue (preacher? basketball player? who knows what’s next?).
Perhaps if this were the year 2008 and Pacquiao still had not said and done all the things he has managed to say and do in the last few years.
But alas, it is 2017, and we cannot discount everything that Pacquiao has contributed (or not contributed) to our country’s socio-political climate since then. We cannot discuss him in a vacuum when the cultural discourse surrounding him has radically changed because of his own appalling words and actions.
by allancarreon on Jul.03, 2017, under Music & Theater
Comments Off on Jim. :Jim Morrison, The Doors more...Shutty upeth, Piers.
by allancarreon on Jul.02, 2017, under Film & TV, Snark
Piers Morgan, he who is an international douchebag, just routinely gets owned by people, including J.K. Rowling herself. Who the fuck thinks he can take on J.K. Rowling, especially on social media?
However, the best this year, so far, goes to his Good Morning Britain co-host Susanna Reid, whose epic #shade will go down in history. Check it out.
Girl Power
by allancarreon on Jul.01, 2017, under Geeky
Much as I love Supergirl, Power Girl has always been significantly better and more interesting. I’m glad she’s in Injustice 2. My only real complaint is that PeeGee is only a skin and not a separate and distinct character. The real Power Girl would be royally pissed at being relegated to the shadow of another Super-person.
That said, I’m loving this.
Should’ve Been A Sperm Whale
by allancarreon on Jun.30, 2017, under Film & TV, Snark, Travel & Culture
This Thai commercial I watched a few months ago still has me cracking up. That was quite a… climax. It would’ve even more hilarious if they’d used a sperm whale instead.
TGIF! Enjoy the coming weekend. We’re halfway through 2017, damn.
Return of the Bellas
by allancarreon on Jun.29, 2017, under Film & TV, Music & Theater
The Bellas are back, and this one looks like it would be better than the so-so last and closer to the awesome first one. I’m down with it.
No Man Does It All By Himself
by allancarreon on Jun.28, 2017, under Music & Theater, Queer
At first, I thought I’d hate it. But as Boy George continued singing it, I realized how beautiful and lovely this is. And it gives a new light to what the Village People were talking about. Absolutely enthralling.
A Wonderful End
by allancarreon on Jun.27, 2017, under Film & TV, Geeky, Queer
I watched Wonder Woman twice again last weekend.
I have no regrets for seven viewings. So far.
And that wonderful end credits sequence?
It’s been made available online. Enjoy!
The Noise! The Noise!
by allancarreon on Jun.26, 2017, under Film & TV, Geeky
Transformers: The Last Knight makes Tom Cruise’s The Mummy seem coherent in comparison.
Noisier than even all prior Michael Bay Transformers films, which seems inhumanly possibly but there you go, it has the most convoluted plot of all, which is saying something. It’s as though Bay woke up one morning and thought, “You know what’s missing from Transformers? Arthurian knights and The Lord of the Rings and it’s about time we introduce some form of Unicron, no matter how off the mark he is.” The result of such an epiphany could have been either pure awesome or pure disaster. Take a guess.