by allancarreon on Jun.25, 2017, under My Life, Queer, Society, Travel & Culture

Yesterday was Metro Manila’s Pride March 2017.
The LGBT community converged in Marikina’s Plaza De Los Alcaldes, where the fabulous organizers of this year’s event had prepared a great pre-march program – which included an appearance by one of our strongest allies, Senator Risa Hontiveros.
Then, underneath the afternoon post-summer heat, we marched and held aloft our pride for who we are and held aloft our resolve to fight for what we believe in: fundamental equal rights for all.
Let the beauty of solidarity, togetherness, and sense of community that we captured through our cameras speak for itself.
This is Us.
This is Pride.
Happy Pride March, Manila!
by allancarreon on Jun.24, 2017, under My Life, Queer, Society, Travel & Culture

Photo Credits: Metro Manila Pride
Pride is global.
by allancarreon on Jun.23, 2017, under My Life, Queer, Snark
Last week, news came out that Philadelphia was lobbying to add brown and black stripes to the iconic Rainbow Flag of the LGBT community. The reason is that they want to represent the inclusivity of (American) racial minorities that have a history of being discriminated against even within the LGBT community.
Needless to say, this sparked heated debates over the internet. I also had my own thoughts which I shared on social media, and with Metro Manila Pride March scheduled tomorrow, I thought it was appropriate to also share my thoughts here on my blog.
To sum it up: I believe it is completely unnecessary and, if I may say so, foolish. Adding black and brown to the flag won’t solve any problems of racial misrepresentation or underrepresentation. It also ignores the fact that the flag already is supposed to represent inclusivity and that the stripes represent specific concepts, none of which are race-related.
TGI Malunggay
by allancarreon on Jun.22, 2017, under Queer, Snark
This is several years old, but I recently saw it again, and it still is hilarious AF.
Happy Thursday! Enjoy the rest of the week.
Where can I buy that cap?
by allancarreon on Jun.21, 2017, under My Life, Queer
It’s a very nice cap.
Work It If You Got The Nerve
by allancarreon on Jun.20, 2017, under Music & Theater, Queer
The Scissor Sisters are back, and with MNDR, they’ve got a fabulous new song – and if you’ve got even a teeny tiny gay bone in your body, you won’t be able to resist learning how to freaking do the goddamn SWERLK. Fortunately, choreographer Brad Landers has given us a dazzling tutorial, and excuse me while I lock myself up in my room until this Saturday’s Metro Manila Pride March to prep for it with this routine.
The track is now available on iTunes. Swerk it, get it, gurrrl.
Still More Fun
by allancarreon on Jun.19, 2017, under Travel & Culture
This is an unofficial Philippines tourism ad by Creatives of Manila.
It’s way better than some of the more recent botched efforts by the official channels, eh?
The Philippines: definitely still more fun. Definitely hard to not fall in love with us.
Day of Daddies
by allancarreon on Jun.18, 2017, under My Life, Society
One Week To March
by allancarreon on Jun.17, 2017, under My Life, Queer, Society, Travel & Culture

This year’s logo.
One week to go before Metro Manila’s Pride March!
Last year, we cried Let Love In! This year, we rally further as we ensure we are #HereTogether, a very apt theme to remind us that – despite having diverse backgrounds even within the LGBT community – we are all in this together. United, we shall overcome! Our differences will not divide us.
2017 Metro Manila Pride will be historic as it will be held in Marikina for the first time. The lovely city of Marikina is one of the most gay-friendly places in the country. I should know; I’m frequently there because some of my besties are Mariqueños. It’s about time that the local LGBT community branch out and move away from its comfort zones to see the other places where we can wave our flag proudly and explore new ground.
Shady Ladies
by allancarreon on Jun.16, 2017, under Music & Theater, Queer, Snark
Recently, Taylor Swift and Katy Perry made headlines again because of their ongoing feud. It also highlighted just how petty and juvenile Taylor is, not to mention absolutely fake vis-a-vis her purported stance on streaming sites. Of course, this guy pretty much summed it all up for the rest of us commoners who are sane.