I Corinthians 13: 4-8
by allancarreon on Feb.14, 2017, under Society, Travel & Culture
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Zac’s Back.
by allancarreon on Feb.13, 2017, under Film & TV, Queer
In more ways than one.
The Path To Obsolescence
by allancarreon on Feb.12, 2017, under Film & TV, Society
I came upon a recent article shared by James Deakin regarding the MTRCB seeking to regulate internet movies.
No, they weren’t talking about porn, which the government has also tried to suppress under the pretense of stopping child abuse – not thinking the banned sites are mainstreams that have stringent policies against child porn while those that feature such horrendous practices are in the darkest recesses of the web and difficult to access (never mind that there are tons of lesser-known porn sites still accessible and that Filipinos easily circumvent online bans).
But I digress.
No, this time the MTRCB is targeting legitimate and legal pay-for-play subscription-based streaming channels – unnamed, but presumably Netflix, iFlix, Amazon Prime Video, HOOQ, and the like. Their reasoning?
The Stunt Family
by allancarreon on Feb.11, 2017, under Film & TV
I never thought Jackie Chan could ever make me cry.
by allancarreon on Feb.10, 2017, under My Life
Today is 10 February 2017.
Today, my paternal grandmother, Lola Rosario “Charing” Yambao Carreon, turns 100 years old.
Imagine that.
This is a woman who was born around the time of the first World War and has lived through most of the 20th century… and beyond!
She is resilient and strong as ever.
May she live even longer.
Happy birthday, Lola! We love you!
Evil Ends. We Think.
by allancarreon on Feb.10, 2017, under Film & TV, Geeky
Resident Evil, the film series at least if not the games, finally comes to an end (as far as we are promised this time) with the recent release of the sixth installment, Resident Evil: The Final Chapter.
It’s been around for fifteen years, this franchise, and while it has had its ups and downs, it remains a guilty pleasure for me. Despite certain installments being less than stellar and prone to some mediocre moviemaking, the entire saga just compelled me to watch every single one of them on the big screen. Aside from having a fun premise, it features kickass characters – primarily women – and cool action.
I swear, Milla Jovovich will continue to live a wealthy and secure life long after this is over. And she deserves to.
Rose Bukater was cold…
by allancarreon on Feb.09, 2017, under Film & TV, Snark
… and it wasn’t because of the freezing ocean.
Cheeky Chekov
by allancarreon on Feb.08, 2017, under Music & Theater
I recently got to watch Repertory Philippines’ Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike, a comedic play that took some inspiration and influence from Chekov. Except you don’t need to know Chekov to immerse yourself in and enjoy the play.
I went in with almost zero knowledge of the non-musical play – other than it had won a Tony a few years back and it boasted of a pretty esteemed cast – so it was one of those rare moments, in a world full of social media spoilers, wherein I was in for some truly pleasant surprises.
In this play, which I shall abbreviate as VSMS because dear lord that is one long title, we look into a couple of days in the lives of three middle-aged siblings all named by their theater-enthusiast professor parents after Chekov characters. Two of them, the older and semi-closeted Vanya (Michael Williams) and the adopted and insecure Sonia (Roselyn Perez), have been living rather boring lives together, a result of dropping everything else to take care of their parents until they passed away. The third, conceited and beautiful Masha (Cherie Gil), has been supporting them financially as a successful and famous movie actress, albeit one who is always away from the family home.
Canada Gets It.
by allancarreon on Feb.07, 2017, under Film & TV, Society
Also, beer always makes everything better.
The Jack of Comics
by allancarreon on Feb.06, 2017, under Geeky

Aug. 28, 1917 – Feb. 6, 1994
He was one of comics’ most influential personalities. After all, it wasn’t everyday you get to co-create a characters like Captain America, Fantastic Four, Hulk, Thor, Iron Man, X-Men, and several other Marvel properties.
However, as more of a DC fan, I will always remember Jack Kirby for his creation of Challengers of the Unknown (undeniably a precursor to the Fantastic Four) as well as the Fourth World characters a.k.a. The New Gods.
Truth to tell, these may not have been as commercially successful as one would have hoped. Still, despite several failed series, the Fourth World characters remain an overarching presence within the DC Multiverse. This cannot be more felt than in the popular and malevolent Darkseid (i.e. He Who Was Ripped Off By Thanos), who has arguably become DC’s primary archvillain – in the comics, in animated features, and soon, in the DC movie extended universe.