The Goblin King Lives On
by allancarreon on Jan.09, 2017, under Music & Theater
January 9th bridges the day of David Bowie’s birth and the day of David Bowie’s untimely death. Yesterday, we remembered his birth. Tomorrow, we will commemorate his passsing.
It’s only fitting that in-between, we celebrate his life.
Live on, Goblin King. Live on.
Happy Ziggy Stardust
by allancarreon on Jan.08, 2017, under Music & Theater
David Bowie would’ve been 70 years old today.
Happy birthday to the incomparable and iconic Ziggy Stardust!
Remember Charlie
by allancarreon on Jan.07, 2017, under Society
Two years ago on this day, the Charlie Hebdo massacre happened.
May we never forget that there is never any excuse for this kind of violence, even as the world continues to burn around us to this day.
Scruffy-Looking Nerf Herder!
by allancarreon on Jan.06, 2017, under Film & TV
“Honest Trailers” by Screen Junkies is always a hoot, and when they do anything Star Wars, it’s even better.
Bradley’s Day
by allancarreon on Jan.05, 2017, under Film & TV
Ever since I saw him on The Hangover (the first one, not the awful sequels), I have been a huge fan of Bradley Cooper. The guy is obviously talented, with multiple nominations in the Oscars, BAFTA, and the Golden Globes (just to name a few), and he is also astoundingly gorgeous as heck.
Marvel may have snagged him for the Rocket Racoon role in Guardians of the Galaxy, but as that is voice work, I am still hoping the DC Universe gets him for something. I used to want him for Aquaman, but since Jason Momoa is shaping up to be perfectly-cast for the role already, I think Bradley could be Brainiac, a new Sinestro (though Mark Strong did well in the pre-DCEU Green Lantern), or a big-screen Maxwell Lord (especially since the character’s been ditched from Supergirl). I’d also throw in Green Arrow as a possibility, but I think Charlie Hunnam would be better for that (Charlie incidentally being another guy I thought would’ve made a great Aquaman). Bradley would also have made a significantly better Deadshot than Will Smith, if American Sniper were any indication, even if Smith was good enough.
Get the Bassey Started
by allancarreon on Jan.03, 2017, under Music & Theater
2017: let’s get it started!
I Quit…
by allancarreon on Jan.02, 2017, under My Life, Society
… smoking 12 years ago this month.
Yup. In January 2005, after about a decade of smoking since high school, I just decided to quit cold turkey. No, it wasn’t a New Year’s Resolution; I decided some time mid-month. Not sure why or how I did it – I’d quite twice before (first for a month in college, then one year after college) – but this time, it stuck.
I still have a lot of friends who smoke, and I don’t judge them. But for me, I’m happy with my decision, and if you’re thinking of doing so, then I encourage you to go ahead and at least try. Bottomline, whether cold turkey or weaning off of it slowly: it’s not impossible as my experience showed.
And it’s definitely worth it.
‘Abba Happy New Year, Everyone!
by allancarreon on Jan.01, 2017, under Music & Theater, Society, Travel & Culture
Auld Lang Syne, 2016.
by allancarreon on Dec.31, 2016, under Music & Theater, Society, Travel & Culture