The Wheel and Axle

Joyeux Noël!

by on Dec.25, 2016, under My Life, Society, Travel & Culture

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Amidst all the festivities and gifts and fun and joy, let’s never forget what Christmas is about.

Today, we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. He is the reason for the season, so let’s take time to remember Him between bites of ham and cheese as we gather with our family and our friends.

Happy birthday, Jesus!

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Holiday, Celebration

by on Dec.24, 2016, under Music & Theater, Society, Travel & Culture

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Come together in every nation!

Christmas Eve is here once more, and may good cheer be upon us all.

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Kumukutitap na naman.

by on Dec.23, 2016, under Music & Theater, Travel & Culture

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Christmas is just around the corner, and what better way to prepare for that than listening to awesome carols by some of my favorite singers, ever?

See you soon, Christmas!

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Ringo Flash

by on Dec.22, 2016, under Film & TV, Geeky

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Or at least, that’s basically how Ezra Miller describes his Flash for next year’s Justice League in this week’s Entertainment Weekly. And they released a new movie image, to boot.

Rumor has it a new trailer will drop before the year ends. Fingers crossed!

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Rogues Gathering, Part 2: Built Upon Hope

by on Dec.21, 2016, under Film & TV, Geeky

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Continued From:

Rogue One, Part 1: The Gray Side

Spoilers, young padawan!

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, despite being a stand-alone film almost divorced from the main film series in terms of tone and the characters who populate each one, is essentially a direct prequel to the original 1977 film, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. Some have even joked that if you wanted spoilers to Rogue One, all you needed to do was watch and read the opening crawl of A New Hope.

And it’s a pretty accurate statement, too. See for yourself. (continue reading…)

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Rogues Gathering, Part 1: The Gray Side

by on Dec.20, 2016, under Film & TV, Geeky

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Spoilers, young padawan!

Star Wars – especially the main episodic film series – has been known for its fantastic lightsaber fights, its mystical subtext, its galaxy-spanning tales of heroes and tragedies and triumphs. In many ways, it is a family epic – the story of the Skywalker family, from Anakin to Luke and Leia to Kylo Ren (and, if speculations are correct, even Rey).

Despite its primary depiction of one’s struggle to remain good and to resist the temptation to turn evil, it has also largely been a story that is pretty black and white in its morality. Good vs. Evil. Light vs. Dark. The Heroic Rebels vs. The Villainous Empire. The struggle has always been about simple right and wrong, and with perhaps the exceptions of Han Solo (who, in being a mercenary, was in it for the money and not for a sense of justice, at least until he developed over the course of the series), Lando Calrissian (whose initial betrayal was due to being compromised but in the end proved to be an ally), and Finn (the stormtrooper who turns his back on the Empire in The Force Awakens) the majority of the characters have either been plainly good or bad.

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The rebels have arrived.

by on Dec.19, 2016, under Film & TV, Geeky

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Holy. Fucking. Shit.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is the best Star Wars movie since The Empire Strikes Back. The 3D/4DX audience that I was a part of last Saturday actually even applauded heartily when the credits came up.

And I shed some tears. I’m not even going to pretend.

Watch out for my full review soon.

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Something For Noche Buena?

by on Dec.18, 2016, under My Life, Queer, Snark

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Well, there’s something guaranteed to spice up your Christmas family reunion.


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A Different Kind of Feminist

by on Dec.17, 2016, under Film & TV, Music & Theater, Society

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“People say that I’m so controversial, but I think the most controversial thing I have ever done is to stick around.”

There is a reason why she’s the queen, the icon, the goddess. This powerful and moving speech that Madonna delivered recently shows exactly why.

Madonna: Billboard’s Woman of the Year

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She is no man.

by on Dec.16, 2016, under Film & TV, Geeky, Literature

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Happy 49th birthday to the Shield-Maiden of Rohan who showed us that it takes a woman to vanquish a Nazgul that no man could ever destroy. Miranda “Eowyn” Otto will always be the biggest badass of The Lord of the Rings movie trilogy (yes, Legolas my darling dearest, you come in a very close second).

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