The Wheel and Axle

Tag: global politics

Age of the Demagogue

by on Nov.11, 2016, under Society

The world sees a global power shift. We are now basically run by a circle of bullies and demagogues: just reflect on who the leaders of the UN Security Council are soon to be: Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, and Donald Trump.

Of course, there are still François Hollande and Theresa May, both of whom may still bring in some form of temperance (for one thing, both have supported same-sex marriage in their countries and have more liberal leanings). However, Hollande’s approval ratings in his own country are down. Theresa enjoys more popularity in hers, she recently had some criticism for her “cliched verbiage” in congratulating Trump, a too-safe approach compared to Angela Merkel’s more on-point message to the Orange Man.

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The Day The World Changed

by on Sep.11, 2016, under Society

In memoriam: 2,977 souls who perished fifteen years ago today.

Where were you then?

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