Tag: journalism
Murphy’s Law, Part 2: Journalistic Integrity
by allancarreon on Aug.31, 2016, under Film & TV
Continued From:
Murphy’s Law, Part 1: Social Relevance
What is more fascinating in hindsight, to me at least, is that – beyond the strong feminist theme of the show – Murphy Brown is a show that depicts what journalism should be.
In the show, we see investigative journalists do, well, actual investigation. They run after stories, ensure their sources are strong and credible, and deliver their findings in manners worthy of the term “journalist.”
Contrast that with today’s “journalism” and you will cringe. A lot (though not all) of today’s “journalists” are what I call “armchair journalists” whose primary weapons, apparently, are Google and Twitter. How many of today’s new crop of newspeople are really journalists? Too few, unfortunately (Anderson Cooper is, happily, one of them).